I read all 3 posts that you share and link to and all offer thoughtful, concrete criticism and suggestions. I assume you are teasing us by not sharing the reasons that buying physical media isn’t an adequate method of financially supporting musicians — so that we will come back for the answers. You’re like a dealer offering free samples (of whatever drug of choice) so we will come back and pay for it the next time. Maybe this is the best business model for musicians. Offer the music free with free drugs (the kind best suited for said music) and then charge money for the drugs once the listeners are hooked. People don’t expect free drugs, there’s no Spotify for drugs as far as I’m aware. People already assume all musicians are on drugs so why not take advantage of that and become musipharmacologists!
But yes - Matty C talked about the expense, hassle, and low margins for vinyl, and my own buying habits (spoilers alert) don't directly benefit the artists.
So come back next week and get another hit of my verbal blend, guaranteed to give you jitters and earworms!
I read all 3 posts that you share and link to and all offer thoughtful, concrete criticism and suggestions. I assume you are teasing us by not sharing the reasons that buying physical media isn’t an adequate method of financially supporting musicians — so that we will come back for the answers. You’re like a dealer offering free samples (of whatever drug of choice) so we will come back and pay for it the next time. Maybe this is the best business model for musicians. Offer the music free with free drugs (the kind best suited for said music) and then charge money for the drugs once the listeners are hooked. People don’t expect free drugs, there’s no Spotify for drugs as far as I’m aware. People already assume all musicians are on drugs so why not take advantage of that and become musipharmacologists!
Oh, no! You saw through my ruse!
But yes - Matty C talked about the expense, hassle, and low margins for vinyl, and my own buying habits (spoilers alert) don't directly benefit the artists.
So come back next week and get another hit of my verbal blend, guaranteed to give you jitters and earworms!
Oh - whaddya know?